Lo que para los adultos es obvio, muchas veces para los niños resulta ser
algo desconocido o asombroso.
El simple hecho de exprimir naranjas, puede resultar un momento especial
para ellos. No dejes de hacer que compartan la vida, por las prisas y el estrés
diario, hazlos participes del día a día, para que crezcan sabiendo que son útiles y lo más
importante que sean felices.
What is obvious for us, frequently it's something unknown or amazing for children.
Simply squeezing oranges, can be a special moment for them. Don't let the rush and daily stress get them out of your life, and make them participate to show that they are useful and the most important thing "being happy".
Simply squeezing oranges, can be a special moment for them. Don't let the rush and daily stress get them out of your life, and make them participate to show that they are useful and the most important thing "being happy".
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